In this guide, we will guide you through the steps to connect Channable to Billy Grace. This is only available for those who have an integration with an e-commerce platform. By connecting Channable to Billy Grace, you will get insights in the following extra metrics:
Gross Profit
Profit Over Ad Spend (P.O.A.S.)
Click here to read more about how these profitability metrics are calculated.
Step 1: Authorize Channable
Navigate to our Integrations page under Settings and Authorize Channable:
Step 2: Configure Feed URL
Enter the Feed URL and Project ID provided by Channable. Currently, only JSON feed formats are supported:
Step 3: Required fields for the feed
Ensure the Channable feed includes the following fields:
inventory_quantity: The quantity of the inventory
price: The price of the product
product_title: The name/title of the product
product_id: The product ID (for Shopify, this is the variant_id; for Magento, this is the product_id)
cost_per_unit: The cost per unit of the product
It's crucial to include all products in the feed, not just the products intended for marketing.
Important: all products with negative unit cost or any unit costs that are not a number will be ignored.
If the feed uses different field names, map them accordingly. For example:
inventory_quantity maps to inventory_quantity
price maps to price
product_title maps to title
product_id maps to id
cost_per_unit maps to cost_per_item
In this example, the names in the feed are:
Step 4: Save Configuration
Press Save Data
The next day you can navigate to Feed Management and check how many matches there are with the data we have from the E-Commerce system.
In this article you will find the calculations of POAS and Profit and where to find these metrics in the platform.