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Budget Upscale Parameter

Set your own budget upscale threshold.

Charlotte van Es avatar
Written by Charlotte van Es
Updated over 6 months ago

The budget upscale parameter option gives you more freedom to have more difference between the spend and the budget of a campaign/adset.

To use this option and set your threshold, you can go to the Automation form of an existing Automation or create a new Automation, go to the Budgets & Schedule step, and toggle the "Advanced Mode".

With this threshold, you can set how much difference there can be between the budget and the spend. On default, the threshold is 20%. If you set it higher, this means that there is more room between the budget and the spend before it will downscale.

For example: If you set it to 100%, it will take 100% of the spend compared to the budget.

This option gives you more room to make your own choices regarding the Automation form.

Please note: We allocate budgets in whole euros only. For instance, if the budget is 4 euros, the closest allocation would be 5 euros, resulting in a change greater than 20%. With very small budgets, larger percentage adjustments may occur to accommodate whole euro allocations. The 20% guideline is a general rule, but with very low amounts, it's necessary to make these bigger adjustments to effectively allocate the budgets.

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