Pixel > Code Snippet
On the Code Snippet page, you will find your unique Billy Grace Pixel, which must be installed to enable data collection by Billy Grace. Learn how to install the Pixel by reading the instructions provided here.
Note that just below the code snippet, you can check when the pixel received its first hit.
In the top-right corner, you'll find the option to view different pixel versions. By default, this is set to the latest version.
Pixel > Troubleshoot Pixel
This page is designed to assist you in identifying and resolving issues related to the pixel implementation. It allows you to check UTM parameters and Custom Events in the last 7 days. All details can be found here.
Pixel > Settings
Here, you'll find the option to filter IP settings. This feature can be beneficial if you and/ or your colleagues frequently perform test orders, which could otherwise affect your data accuracy.
Pixel > Pixel Release Notes
The final page of our Pixel Management provides release updates regarding the Billy Grace pixel. These updates further elaborate on the different pixel versions that you find on the Code Snippet page.